...for yourself and for others. After all, everyone has the seed of divinity in their heart, which is really one heart appearing individuated. What you do unto others you do unto yourself. Ask yourself regularly: What would love have me do today?
It means to see the world with the eyes of your heart, not your mind. When you lead with your heart, you lead with Love and Compassion. *By that I mean "give presence to", not "perform leadership duties with", although it's best to lead with your heart there as well.
Your heart is the center of Love. Even though you may think you feel pain and hurt of a lost love in your heart, your mind is the center of Ego and the majority of your emotions, which are projections of the mind. Pain and hurt are emotions of the mind. Love is heart-centered. We are love, and one of the greatest expression of love is compassion.
Compassion is also heart-centered; it is love for yourself and for your fellow human being and all creatures. We can meet people with love, rather than with fear, judgement, naming, identifying or classifying. We can begin by running all our words through the filter of compassion. When we see with our heart, we see with Love. And Love is all there is.
Love is present everywhere; its presence only needs to be realized.
Love is the energy that silently transfigures every situation.
- David R. Hawkins
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