My primary message is to Be Still. Stop the Search. Forget everything you know, in order to Remember who you really are. In which case, you don't really "need" these resources. Unless you forget once again who you are, in the grand game of hide & seek. There are lots of bread crumbs to freedom in all of these. Enjoy!
LETTING GO: The Pathway of Surrender
David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph. D.
Why I like this book:
I cannot say enough about the depth and importance of this book. As noted in the foreword, "Dr. Hawkins offers a pathway to the freedom we long for but find difficult to attain. It may sound counter-intuitive to get somewhere by 'letting go'; however...surrender is the surest route to total fulfillment."
The bo
OUT OF YOUR MIND: Tricksters, Interdependence, and the Cosmic Game of Hide-and-Seek
Alan Watts
Why I like this book:
I walked into my favorite small bookstore in Annapolis, Maryland, and this book immediately called to me. Here I am, choose me!
When I picked it off the shelf I had not heard of Alan Watts; after I read it I could not understand how I had not. I had an immediate and pure connection t
TAO TE CHING: A New English Version
Stephen Mitchell
Why I like this book:
Because I finally get all of it!! It speaks the absolute, universal truth in short, poignant, digestible verses that convey the expansiveness of who we are. I read one a day, each morning, opening the book to a random page and it is always a delightful whisper of the truth.
A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
Don Miguel Ruiz
Why I like this book:
I read this the first time many years ago. While I thought it was a cool book and held alot of wisdom, I didn't realize until I read it again more recently, with an entirely different depth of understanding, how much it speaks to freedom and awakening.
It's a nice, easy read. I parti
SOUL CONTRACTS: Find Harmony and Unlock Your Brilliance
Danielle MacKinnon
Why I like this book:
My adult child had this book and one day I picked it up off the coffee table and began reading it. I decided I needed my own copy.
It was my first exposure to seed thoughts and soul contracts. As I read it I was thinking of my boyfriend, having no problem identifying his seed thoughts and how they were
LIGHT IS THE NEW BLACK: A Guide to Answering Your Soul's Callings and Working Your Light
Rebecca Campbell
Why I like this book:
This is a time when we are all being called to Be The Light, and this book helps us discover our authentic gift. It is a book I wish I had written. Each one of her 279 pages would make a great blog post on this site :-).
Part I begins with "Call off the search party, I was i
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